Education is the most powerful force in our hands! Therefore, education is not only a universal right but also a public good and a public responsibility. Without quality education and lifelong opportunities, the entire system suffers.

In order to raise awareness, the United Nations (UN) declared January 24th as International Day of Education. Recognizing the importance of education and desiring its quality, we have developed Nobula Case Creator.

Why is Nobula Case Creator an ideal tool in education?

  • Case-Based Learning

In medicine, Case-Based Learning (CBL) is not a novelty. This method has been used since 1912 when Dr. James Lorrain Smith introduced it while teaching pathology at the University of Edinburgh. Though the functionalities were nowhere near what Nobula offers, the idea is there!

  • Participant Engagement

The key advantage of Nobula is that it actively engages participants during use.

  • Gamification

Thanks to the implementation of gaming elements, Nobula Case Creator is an application that will be loved by all generations.

  • Facilitates Deep Learning

This learning tool encourages deep-level learning and the creation of a personalized approach.

  • Provides Acquisition of New Skills

By navigating through cases, participants acquire new skills that will be beneficial in their further development.

In conclusion, case-based learning successfully connects theory with practice, providing a practical and effective way of educating, and Nobula Case Creator facilitates all of this through gamification! To see how it works, check it out here.

Having the “debatable answer” option in every interaction within the Nobula Case Creator app brings a range of significant advantages, especially in the context of medical information and discussions.

“Debatable answer” as a key element in education:

  • Promotes open discussion: Medicine often involves complex situations and scenarios where it’s not always possible to provide an absolutely correct or incorrect answer. The existence of the “debatable answer” option encourages open discussion. This openness contributes to a better understanding of ambiguous questions.
  • Teaches critical thinking: Allowing users to mark answers as “debatable” encourages them to think critically about the information they receive. This prompts users to question and analyze information rather than simply accepting it without further consideration.
  • Provides a multi-perspective approach: Medical cases often have various aspects and can be subject to different interpretations. The “debatable answer” option enables users to contribute their perspectives, thereby providing a broader understanding of the situation.
  • Ensures relevance: Medical knowledge and practices evolve over time, and certain aspects may be subject to changes or new research. This option allows for quick information updates through discussion and user contributions, maintaining the dynamism and relevance of content.
  • Aids in dealing with uncertainties: In medicine, we often encounter uncertainties where there may be multiple correct answers to certain questions. The “debatable answer” option acknowledges this uncertainty and helps users cope with knowledge gaps or situations where there is no definitive answer.

We believe that this option will ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of medical concepts and practices. Also,  elevating interactive workshops to an even higher level.