In the last ten years, the use of technology in classrooms has become ubiquitous. Projectors and Power Point presentations have replaced the once popular chalkboard. While the development of technology brings numerous advantages, the way it is utilized is important. Therefore, colorful Power Point presentations with dozens of bullet points have their drawbacks.

This practice has become common among many teachers who use Power Point without questioning or considering alternatives. We can agree that this teaching method is visually appealing, but it is still one-sided. Power Point presentations do not encourage creative thinking or leave room for deeper understanding of the material, especially when presented in a dark classroom.

Instead of active discussion and analysis, students simply take notes from the slides. Apart from the visual aspect, it seems that teaching has not significantly moved away from writing on the board. Moreover, the use of Power Point in complete darkness has a negative impact on student learning and eye health.

However, the point is not to return to the teaching methods of centuries ago. Instead of completely abandoning technology, teachers should adapt the way it is used. The goal is to create interactive presentations that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. Developing skills and understanding the material are what should be encouraged, rather than unilaterally transmitting information.

Technology can be a valuable tool, but only if used properly. At Nobula, we are well aware of the importance of interactive learning. With the aim of making it easier for teachers to create such learning experiences and providing students with dynamic, enjoyable, and effective learning, we have created Nobula Case Creator. The content includes educational materials in various multimedia formats, and thanks to gamification elements, learning becomes fun and effective.

Try out how it works with our case about Rome.


A cloud-based application for creating interactive education can sound quite complicated at first glance! Although a lot of work, effort, and sleepless nights have been invested in creating the Nobula Case Creator, this application is not intended for just a few individuals. On the contrary!

Nobula is here to foster growth and innovation in various fields such as medicine, law, finance, human resources management, and more. The application operates in the cloud, which means you can access your content and create interactive materials anywhere and anytime with just a few clicks. This intuitive platform allows you to easily create educations, quizzes, games, and other educational materials, depending on your needs.

It supports various formats such as text, images, videos, and different question types, enabling the creation of an interactive environment that promotes engagement and deep learning, adapting to your needs and goals.

Are you curious how it works? Check out our animated video showcasing the numerous possibilities of the Nobula Case Creator: