We are extremely excited to introduce the first of three new features of the Nobula Case Creator application! This innovation will particularly delight medical professionals. We present image markup! The fact is that the human brain remembers and comprehends visual information better than textual or verbal descriptions. Visual searches allow users to directly visualize internal body structures, diseases, injuries, and pathological changes, making it easier to understand complex medical concepts.
How do image markup work?
With the help of a pen, you can accurately mark pathological changes or other key elements you are studying. And that’s not all – you have complete control over the accuracy of linking responses. The advantage of this feature is that it is applicable at all levels of medical education, providing support in all stages of learning, from student lectures to specializations.

The benefits are clear:
- A faster and simpler learning process through the practical experience of marking real cases.
- Improved case analysis enables deeper exploration and recognition of subtle details.
- Deeper understanding of pathologies is achieved through interactive marking, assisting in building a solid medical knowledge base.
- Visualization of anatomy, thanks to visual searches, allows for a detailed presentation of internal anatomical body structures.
- Interactive learning ultimately yields better results in knowledge assessments as well as understanding of the material.
With the aim of providing an optimal user experience, we are continuously enhancing the Nobula Case Creator application. Image markup is only the beginning, thanks to the dedication of our team! With additional innovations, the Nobula Case Creator continues to build an image of a reliable partner that, in the form of an application, facilitates case management and encourages productivity.