Nobula Case Creator Workshops: What are the Benefits?

Education of healthcare professionals plays a crucial role in maintaining high standards of healthcare. The combination of real medical cases with gamification places healthcare workers in an active role during education, enabling the acquisition of new knowledge at a deeper level. We witnessed this in 2023 during several workshops that utilized the Nobula Case Creator app. The use of modern apps, such as this one, creates an environment where medical experts can adopt new knowledge more quickly and efficiently.

What do workshops look like?

We focus on simulating real medical cases and conducting discussions while solving them. The most effective case resolution occurs in a team environment with quality moderators. The main advantages of Nobula Case Creator workshops include:

  • Case-based learning approach: Emphasizing real cases allows for a deeper understanding and application of knowledge in practice.
  • Real-time (Live) and On-demand use: Flexibility in access allows customization of workshops to individual needs and participant schedules.
  • Integration into various omnichannel channels: The integration capability provides access to content on multiple platforms, facilitating information access.
  • Quick mastery of the app: The user-friendly interface makes learning and using the application simple and efficient.

In the past few months, over a thousand doctors from several countries have been convinced of the quality of this form of education. To see how it works, take a look at an interesting case example from the 19th century:

Solve the case!

Nobula NextGen EU

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